Welcome to the another 'Taking Stock' post for 2017. If you are new to
Teacher by trade, Mother by nature (WELCOME) you can read all of my 'Taking Stock' posts
HERE. Pip from
Meet Me At Mike is the mastermind behind this series, so be sure to check out her blog. This is something I have been doing since I started blogging and will continue to do this year - I love looking back at previous months. In a nutshell, it's simply taking a step back and 'taking stock' of what's currently happening in your life.
Here's what's been happening in the month of MARCH..
Making: over the kids bedrooms for their birthdays.

Reading: my latest 'KonMari With Kids' post -
KIDS ARTWORK. How do you organise your kids artwork?

Needing: some new items for my 'Winter Wardrobe'. This is my second season of Project 333. The first went really well, so I am going to continue...I would love to add blush pink and more earthy tones to my wardrobe. For more information about Project 333, check out
Be More With Less.

Enjoying: watching my son have fun at Playcentre. His confidence has grown so much in the past 6 months. I love it.

Looking: forward to printing my Project Life. This year I am going to do weekly spreads, and planning to do monthly catch ups of previous years, using the Project Life App.
Do you use Project Life to document your life?
Getting: #inthepicture with my kids. They are my world.
Wishing: my living room would look like this ALL THE TIME. That being said, it doesn't actually take long to tidy up at the end of the day.

Buying: some marble vinyl from KMart and covered my Year Planner. I love a good #kmarthack. It matches Miss B's new stationery set she got for her birthday.

Loving: my new hair! I bit the bullet and chopped about 25cm off! It feels so much lighter now.
Playing & Sorting: the toys in the playroom with my son on a Friday afternoon.

Admiring: our family photos. I finally updated the photo wall and it looks great. Love our family.

Feeling: heartbroken after losing a family member. She made a huge impact in my life and many others. I will miss her immensely. I captured this photo on the way to her funeral. Nature is truly a beautiful thing.
Celebrating: Master M & Miss B's Birthdays! HAPPY BIRTHDAY. I shared Master M's DINOSAUR PARTY on the blog - check it out

Finding: selfies of my kids on my phone. Love watching these two grow together. Best Friends x
Now it's YOUR turn...
Tell me, what's been happening in YOUR world? How was MARCH for you?
Choose three (or more) words from the list and 'take stock' in the comments below.
Have a wonderful week
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