Here's what's been happening in the month of DECEMBER...
Making: memories with my family this Christmas
Cooking: Lasagne (my favourite)
Drinking: a cup of tea
Reading: the amazing blogs who collaborated in this years '12 Days of Christmas - Kiwi Mummy Bloggers - Blog Collaboration'. I was Day 2, and you can see all of the bloggers involved at the bottom of my post.
Looking: forward to Miss Freddy's Back Up Bootcamp - have you registered?
Playing: with the kids toys they got for Christmas - M is obsessed with his Rubbish truck
Deciding: what my ONE WORD is going to be for 2018 - stay tuned...all will be revealed on January 1st.
Wanting: to be at the beach EVERY DAY, especially if it looks like this! Stunning.
Wishing: you all a very Merry Christmas and a fabulous New Year
Enjoying: our impromptu trips to the beach and park
Organising: my gift wrapping station - this makes me so happy, knowing everything I need to wrap gifts is in ONE place.

Buying: Christmas presents for the kids - we went with the WANT/NEED/WEAR/READ system and it worked a treat, especially with these gorgeous and FREE gift tags from First Milestone.

Hoping: Miss B stays out of hospital next year...we ended up back in there for 4 nights a couple of weeks before Christmas - it was REALLY HARD!

Marvelling: at everyone's gorgeous Christmas year we might upgrade to a bigger, more 'fuller' tree
Needing: to upgrade our fridge, so we waited for the Boxing Day Sales and I am so glad we did. Our new fridge is amazing! It's a BEAST - 407L. The original price was $1999, on sale for $1499 and we snapped it up for $697! WOWSA! right? What a Bargain!!

Noticing: when I have clean and clutter free home, I feel 100 times better. It's been a hard month for me, mentally and emotionally - however I have systems and strategies in place to help me get through it.
Creating: this What's for Dinner? menu planner. I printed it, laminated it and stuck in our kitchen cupboard, so my family knows what we are having for dinner.

Celebrating: finishing my Course 3 for Playcentre! It's only taken me over a year to complete! I feel like a huge weight has been lifted! Can't wait to go back in the year.
Opening: presents on Christmas morning and seeing the kids faces light up - precious
Feeling: emotional - my daughter is off to high school next year. She's growing up way to fast. I am so proud of her.

And lastly, I am Loving: my office space. When it's like this (clean and tidy) - it's my favourite room in our home.

If you're not already following me on Social can find me on Facebook and Instagram.
I'd love for you to tell me, what's been happening in YOUR world? How was December for you? How was your Christmas? Any plans for the new year?
Choose three (or more) words from the list and 'take stock' in the comments below.
Read previous Sunday Share: Currently & Taking Stock posts
Have a wonderful week
Now it's YOUR turn...I'd love for you to tell me, what's been happening in YOUR world? How was December for you? How was your Christmas? Any plans for the new year?
Choose three (or more) words from the list and 'take stock' in the comments below.
Read previous Sunday Share: Currently & Taking Stock posts
Have a wonderful week