Sunday Share: FMS PAD #13 + Weekly Recap

Keeping this weeks Sunday Share short and sweet due to the Cricket World Cup Final. (#sorrynotsorry)

What's been happening this week? 

DIY: Super Cute Easter Bunnies Craft

The idea was inspired by this picture (original image credit: unknown) and so I thought it would be a cute craft to do with my Coffee Group - it also doubles up as a keepsake of your child's footprints.  Here is a quick and easy tutorial for you:

Motherhood is Rewarding (#1Word Challenge)

It's true - Motherhood is rewarding, despite the constant grind. I have been a Mum for 10 years and it has been the most wonderful, life-changing experience of my life. Recently, I decided to take a trip down memory lane - reading"My Pregnancy"A Record Book and a keepsake I will treasure forever. As I was flicking through the pages, something fell was a letter written by my "second" Mum (my best friend's Mum). The letter was given to me before I had my baby and before I began my journey as a mother.

A special letter dedicated to a first time Mum & her unborn baby...

Here's Looking at Your Kid
I dedicate this to your new baby, well where do I begin...
From goos and gas and crying to its gooby, dribbly chin
So glorious is motherhood, wet napkins by the mile, 
Sleepless nights and teething, all topped off with a smile. 

Blessed are baby days, destruction at its best,
You won't begin to tally the treasures that go west. 
And how about the toys and things, scattered 'round the place, 
So Mum can come and trip on them, and splat down on her face. 

The joys of toilet training, sitting them on the toilet, 
You'll pull faces to amuse your tot and pray they'll leave a deposit. 
But oh alas, its not to be, you sit and shake your head, 
Baby really doesn't need to go Mum, they'll do it later in their bed. 

Baby fancies a bit of fingerpaint, and when you've cleaned them up, 
They have fun in your pot-plants isn't that just your luck. 
You're off to town, all dressed up, so now you're ready Mum, 
You won't mind if I suddenly vomit down your front. 

The battle of the dinner hour, resembling World War One, 
Pretending to be a choo-choo train in the hope that they'll swallow some. 
They spit and choke and blubber, rubbing it in their hair, 
And then proceed to grind it in the cracks of their highchair. 

Pre-school years are looming, the whys and wherefores come, 
"Please Mum, can you tell me the obvious - I'm dumb"
Now if you should ignore me, I'll stand and pull your dress, 
Till you come up with an answer, a reply you can't suppress. 

Off to school peace at last, hey Mum! You've got to be kidding, 
I'll be in fine form when I come home, I always end up winning. 

Let me in your kitchen, I fancy myself as a chef, 
When my masterpiece is complete, you won't have any food left. 
Your fridge it will be empty, my stomach will be bulging, 
And Mum, now incidentally, the dishes may need washing. 

How's your budget going Mum? I've written you a list, 
For all the vital things in life, I really shouldn't miss.
We'll start with clothes and CD's, then graduate up the scale, 
To my own TV, cellphone and computer for my e-mails. 

Can I borrow the car Mum? I've got a date tonight. 
We're off to the nightclub and perhaps we'll grab a bite. 
I promise we'll be in by ten or maybe it will be one. 
Please don't wait up and worry, we'll only be having fun. 

So we've just about come full circle, keep this thought in mind, 
Motherhood is rewarding, despite the constant grind. 

Charlene - Here's to your future years shared with your new wee one. 
Love Shelley* (Mum 2) xxx ooo xxx

OXO for bubs. I can't wait for the arrival

Shelley was a beautiful woman, a wife, a mother of two daughters (my 'second' Mum), a sister, an aunty, and a special friend. Shelley was a wonderful writer/poet, who always spoke from her heart. My 'second' Mum (Shelley) sadly passed away several years ago, so this wonderful letter will be treasured forever - in fact, I am reliving it with baby #2.

This post was part of the new One Word Blog Linkup hosted by: 
 Lisa of The Golden Spoons, 
and Marcia of Blogitudes.
 This week, the word prompt choices were Wonderful and Confused

Also linking up with The Deliberate Mom

Linking up with


#TuesdayTen: 10 Holidays That Should Exist

On the 26th March, it is Make Your Own Holiday Day - bit of a random day I know...however it happens to be the inspiration for this weeks #TuesdayTen Link Up! From what I have read - it allows you to make up a special day for anything you want - there are no limits! So today, I am sharing 10 Holidays That Should Exist...
#1 - International Selfie Day
Hashtag #selfie is popular, so we might as well make it official - what do you think?

#2 - Backwards Day 
Dessert with starting - meals eat maybe or backwards write and read, front to back clothes wear, backwards talk & walk. (day this on driving recommend don't I, others of safety the for) backwards be will do you that everything - celebrate to day fun a be would this now.
Now read it backwards! 

#3 - Technology-Free Day 
Can you imagine a day without any technology -  no Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, Gaming? Why not give it a go with your family - turn off the techno-gizmos for a day and see what happens. Who knows, you might actually enjoy it and make it a regular thing.

#4 - National High 5 Day
High 5 to that! 

#5 - Family Fun Day
We celebrate Mother's Day, Father's Day and some even celebrate Grandparent's Day (which is great) but how about celebrating a day with your family. Make it a fun day - go to the park, visit the zoo, or maybe go for a bush walk. If this became an official 'day', your community might support it and have a Family Fun Day in your town/city with lots of entertainment for kids, and adults alike. 

#6 - National Drink Wine Day
I know a few people that would like this and some may even go as far as saying 'Everyday is Wine day'! So for you all you WINE lovers out there - raise your glass and enjoy!
*I have recently learned that there is actually a 'National Drink Wine Day' that is celebrated in the USA.
I personally would like a "National Drink Vodka Day"!

#7 - "Do It Yourself" Day
A day of DIY - for some people, this is their passion. You only need to type DIY in Pinterest to see many projects made. It would be great to have a "Do it Yourself" Day - especially for those that like to procrastinate (like me). It doesn't have to be that you make something though, it could be a simple task, like pumping your own gas, using the self service checkouts. For a child it could be feeding themselves, tying their shoes laces etc. The DIY ideas are endless.

#8 - Best Friend Day
A day to honour and celebrate the friendships we have with our Best Friends. Spend the day with your best friend - maybe have brunch or lunch, go to the movies or maybe shopping. If your Bestie is in another area code or country, write them a letter, email, send a message, Skype them or pick up the phone and ring them!

#9 - National Backyard Cricket Day
Seen as it is the #CWC (Cricket World Cup) - I thought it would be fitting to have a National Backyard Cricket Day. For many years, backyard cricket has been popular with families in both New Zealand & Australia (and other countries too). It would be great to have a day dedicated to getting outdoors and playing a game with your friends and family, followed by a BBQ. Perfect Summer Day!
(Photo credit: via)
 If you could make YOUR OWN HOLIDAY day - What would it be? Leave me YOUR DAY in the comments below or if you are a blogger, write up a post and link up with us at #TuesdayTen!

Follow Me!

This post is part of the #TuesdayTen Link Up with
 Lisa from The Golden Spoons & Rabia from The Lieber Family


Sunday Share: FMS PAD #12 + Weekly Recap

What's been happening? 
Master M has a new tooth - tooth #7 - it actually kind of snuck up on us. Although, he wasn't feeling or looking too good on Tuesday so I stayed at home with him (I usually work on Tuesdays). We had lots of cuddles which is always really nice, don't you think? Master M is also getting more confident with his walking - he looks so cute! (I love this developmental age). 

Miss B is counting down to her very special holiday to Australia next weekend. She's heading to the Gold Coast with my parents, brother and sister-in-law and then my niece and nephew will join them. So this week we will be getting Miss B ready and her bag packed! She is super excited and I am very jealous! 

Kids Parties: Miss B's Paris themed 10th Birthday

Earlier this month, we celebrated two milestone birthdays - Master M turned 1 and Miss B turned 10 and we happened to have three parties in ONE weekend. In case you missed it, here is Master M's - A Little Golden Book themed First Birthday. The house went from "Little Golden Book" theme to "Paris" theme overnight! Phew!

For a while now, Miss B has been obsessed with anything and everything Paris, it made perfect sense to have a Paris themed party for her 10th birthday. Miss B helped by searching ideas on Pinterest, letting me know what she liked and what she didn't, then she left it to me to put it all together (she trusts me). So here are the details of "Miss B's Paris themed 10th Birthday". Enjoy!

I designed Miss B's invite using PicMonkey. She told me what she wanted e.g. 'Bonjour', bunting and an Eiffel Tower and this is what I came up with - Miss B was very happy with the final product! (I had them printed on 6x4 photo paper). Miss B invited her two best friends, Aimee & Ripeka. Then, together we decided to invite the women who have played a huge part in her life - her Nana, Home-based Carers (1-5 years), After-school Carer (5-10 years) and Aimee's Mum (because she has always been in our lives). We made the envelopes all pretty with washi tape and posted them out to everyone. I printed an extra copy of the invite to put in the white frame (like I did with Master M's). 

As soon as the kids went to bed, I got started on the decorations for Miss B's birthday. Down came the "Little Golden Book" theme and up went the different shades of pink, & Paris theme. I set up the coffee table with some of her Paris ornaments from her bedroom, and added her presents for her to open when she woke up in the morning. I found this gorgeous lace tablecloth from the Hospice for $4. 
10 Years Milestone Bunting 
I absolutely loved putting this together. Looking back at 10 years of Miss B's life - from birth to 10! A beautiful tribute to my amazing daughter. 

The table set up.
Paris Canvas Art was a present from Miss B's Nana & Papa (my parents).
The Paris clock was also a present from another family member.
At 1:50pm (time of birth) we sang Miss B "HAPPY BIRTHDAY"
An added bonus. Miss B's After school carer kindly let me borrow her bike for the party - perfect for the theme. 
(I forgot to buy french sticks for the basket)

Raspberry Lemonade 
Quiche (Miss B's choice)
Chocolate Profiteroles
Gluten-Free Chocolate Cake
(with ham & cheese) 
Chocolate Pastries (Miss B's choice)
Gorgeous Cupcakes from Miss B's Godmother
Party Favour Treats: Mayceys Glo-Harts
Miss B chose a Strawberry Cheesecake for her 'actual' birthday cake. I added the cake bunting, a wafer paper heart and a couple of fondant Eiffel Towers (using a cookie cutter that I bought from KiwiCakes). Miss B loved it - to her - it was Perfect!

xx Make a Wish xx

* Before & After *
(1 hour old & 10 years old) 
* Best Friends *

 * Sibling Love *
Nana & Papa with their oldest and youngest 
* Mother & Daughter *

(8 March 2015)


Not-So-Secret Advice for New Mums

There's one thing you'll notice when you become pregnant or a new mum...everyone around you seems to become an expert on how you should parent your new bundle of joy. Whether you are a soon-to-be mum or a new mum, trying to take in lots of advice can become quite overwhelming and daunting, to say the least. But there are also things about motherhood that mums eventually wish someone told them.

Recently on a Mum & Bubs Facebook page, Mothers with 2 or 3+ children were asked to share their not-so-secret advice and tips for new mums and with their permission, I get to share it with YOU! Enjoy!

"Relax and breathe. Take every moment as it comes and don't stress if everything is not going the way it 'should'. Sleep when baby is sleeping, forget about the piles of washing and treasure every moment. It goes by faster than you realise!" (Shaz)

"Do what you have to do, don't stress about the 'right' way to do things. So-called 'bad habits' can be changed. Use your support people (partner, family etc). Don't feel that you have to be Super Mum and don't pretend things are great if they aren't. We all know how hard it can be sometimes. And my golden rule - a nap wins out over housework every time!" (Gina)

"Receiving help isn't a sign of failure. All the 'good advice' means nothing if it doesn't suit your family. Don't sweat the small stuff. Your partner/husband wants to help...let them, even if you think they don't do it right. Sleep when you can." (Sarah)

"Don't be too proud or shy to tell people to do washing, dinner, mow lawns, garden etc." (Ren)

"Go with the flow. Do what's right and works for you...enjoy the cuddles and them being little. You can't get it back!" (Clare)

"Sleep when baby does! Housework CAN wait. Ask for help!" (Kelsie)

"As a Mum, you learn something new every day. No Mum is perfect" (Tarnz)

"Happy Mama, Happy Bubba. Always do what you feel is right for you and your baby. Definitely treasure each moment - it goes fast! " (Chiara)

"Don't be too proud to ask for practical help." (Silvia)

"Treasure every minute, there's nothing like your first baby. And try not to listen too much to all the advice you're given, just do what works for you..." (Jasmine)

Treasure every moment!
"Don't feel bad or guilty doing things your own way, even if your wise and experienced mother or nana, keep telling you how to do things. No one knows your child like you do, your personal beliefs, comfort zone and mothers intuition will be the best guide. No child is the same, so don't compare your child's development to another. If you do, it's like you're unintentionally putting pressure on the baby to progress faster. And sleep as much are you can because you never know when your kid will put an all-nighter". (Bianca) 

"Do what's right for you family, if you want to bottle feed, then do it. Don't worry what others say."

"Try not to freak out" (Emma)

"Relax and don't listen to all the advice from others (lol). Everyone will have something to say about something but do what feels right for YOU." (Mellissa)

"Take each day as it comes. Some will be worse than others. Remember to spend individual time with your other kids. And enjoy them while they are little..." (Katherine)

"Always have chilled wine in the fridge" (Helen)

"Don't sweat the small stuff and your older kids can be great helpers. If its not working...start again." (Amanda)

"...I have twin 16 month olds, maybe different to singles but you can't give in and never rock a baby to sleep because you will still be doing it when number 2 comes" (Tash)

"They are only little for a short time - everything is a phase and it will get better...Just think 'this too will pass'"! (Jane)

"...Just relax and stay in tune with your children they can usually teach you a lot more than a book can. Don't take on everyone's advice because we are all different and so are our children. If something works for you then do it. Relax and love them, you can't go wrong. And always ask for help if you need it". (Amber)

"Spend individual time with older kids...even if it's just a story - uninterrupted is so valuable". (Lauren)

"When incorporating change into your babies routine, perserverance is the key! Sleeping, eating, discipline etc keep going, don't give up, children adapt easily so try and set routines that work for you". (Carly)

"I only have 1, but my advice would be: add 2 weeks to your due date when you tell people! Mine was 2 weeks late and so many people asked what I was waiting for...Like I wanted to wait even longer than the 40 weeks to meet this treasure!!!" (Miranda)

And my advice to new mums:
Give yourself a pat on the back every so often - Here's a virtual High 5! 
You're doing a great job Mama! 

What's one piece of not-so-secret advice you would share with a new mum? 

***A special Thank You to all the mothers that shared their not-so-secret advice and tips for new mums. You are all fabulous!

#TuesdayTen: 10+ Inspiring Women I Admire

Every piece of me has seemed to come from an inspirational woman who has somehow graced my life - whether it's for second or for a decade, they have made imprints on my heart and soul.  So when I saw this weeks topic for #TuesdayTen: 10 Women You Admire/Who Have Impacted Your Life - I wasn't sure which direction to take - Do I share a personal list of women I admire and have impacted my life? or do I share Women Bloggers I admire and who inspire me today...both choices are very important to me so I have decided to share both. 

My Mum #1
She is not only my mum - she is my friend, my bank manager, my councillor, my first teacher, my mentor, a Nana to my kids, the list goes on...She has raised me to become the woman and mother I am today. She is and always has been there for me, supporting and encouraging everything that I do in life - the good, the bad and the ugly. She is a role model and an inspiration to me and my daughter. I love you, Mum!

My Primary/Intermediate Teachers
Ever since I was a young girl I wanted to become a teacher. I was inspired by two teachers - Jan Olney (Primary) and Jenni Hudspith (Intermediate). They were the best teachers I ever had and were my role models. I was often called a 'Teacher's Pet' by my peers and I didn't care. Fast forward a few years, I completed my Bachelor of Education and began my career as a Teacher, all thanks to these two women (Thanks Jan & Jenni).

Spice Girls/P!nk
GIRL POWER!! I am not ashamed to say that I was (still am) a HUGE fan of the Spice Girls - they got me through my teenage years! My fave Spice Girl is Sporty Spice, followed by Scary Spice (my friends used to say I was combination of the two ha ha). These girls were awesome ~ I watched and recorded all of their performances that were televised (over and over), listened to their music - I even bought the Pulp "Spice Girl" shoes and wore them to my Sixth Form Prom (I was 16 and awarded Best Dancer). Another artist who I admire is P!nk! I have been following her since her first debut single "There you go" back in 2000. I even had spiky short hair like hers in my last year of High School (I wanted a drastic change - and it definitely was drastic). P!nk (Alecia Moore) is a strong, independent woman who stands up for herself and things that she is passionate about! P!nk is an amazing performer and I have had the privilege of seeing her live in concert when she came to New Zealand. She speaks to so many people through her music - She is amazing and an inspiration!

My Gal Pals
I don't know where I would be without my close girlfriends - I admire each and every one of them and they have all made an impact in my life, for different reasons e.g high school, birth partner, University, Teaching, Maid of Honour, losing a Loved One, Motherhood and more. These ladies are my REAL friends, they know who they are! I don't need to sugar coat anything when I am with them. They know when I am having a low, support and encourage me to achieve my goals and are by my side when I need them the most. 

Lorelai Gilmore 

Although she is just a character, she's an inspiration. I was a solo mum for seven years, raising my daughter on my own. I watched every episode of Gilmore Girls and was inspired by the mother-daughter relationship that she (Lorelai) had with her daughter, Rory. It is something that I want to have with my daughter. I achieved my dreams and goals (like Lorelai did), not only for my daughter and our future, but I did it for myself too! 

These women are amazing, their blogs are amazing - From eBooks and eCourses to Link ups and Guest Posts - They are my inspiration and I visit their blogs daily.  If you haven't checked them out for yourselves - please pop over, say Hello and share the blog love. 
Please note: Although the pictures are of their Facebook pages - the link will take you to their actual blogs. 

1. Sonia - Life, Love & Hiccups
I have been following Sonia for a while now and I keep going back for more. She is honest and hilarious, a true Gemini by nature. She shares tidbits of her Life, things she loves (interior design, diy, vodka and shopping) and the hiccups that life has to offer. Sonia (and Bron, below) are my blogging role models, they inspire me to be a better blogger. 

 2. Bron - Maxabella Loves
I stumbled across Bron's blog when I first started blogging. She writes about anything and everything from the joys of motherhood to photography tips. She is the mastermind behind the #inthepicture hashtag and is an inspiration to many women! I am definitely a big fan! 

 3. Courtney - Raising Queens (formally known as Bliss & Baby Brain)
I met Courtney via Kiwi Mummy Blogs and we instantly became friends - we are both teachers by trade and mothers by nature. I absolutely love the way Courtney writes - she is honest and stays true to who she is.  Courtney was my first guest blogger (you can read her post here). She has recently given her blog a new name and a new look.

4. Abby - Just a Girl and Her Blog
Starting a blog can be very daunting and overwhelming and that's when I found Abby's corner of the blog-o-sphere and purchased her "Building a Framework" eBook. It definitely helped me build a framework/foundation for my blog, so Thank You Abby! Not only does she help bloggers, she is also very creative. She shares recipes, diy & craft ideas, organisation tips plus more.

5. Katrina - The Organised Housewife
I absolutely love Katrina - she is A.M.A.Z.I.N.G and is such an inspiration to all women. I have been following her blog for MANY years and I can spend many hours on her blog/website just admiring all the things that she does! If you ever need help in organising, de-cluttering or cleaning your home - Katrina is your one stop shop! She has amazing (simple) tips and ideas, recipes, printables and much, much more! It was an honour to work alongside Katrina last year, when I signed up to her 20 Days to Organise & Clean Your Home Challenge (you can see my journey here). It honestly has changed my life and I totally recommend it. 

 6. Lisa - The Golden Spoons
If it wasn't for Lisa, I wouldn't be writing this blog post or in fact, any of the other #TuesdayTen posts I have previously done. I needed some sort of structure and I came across this post about Daily Blog Post Themes and it lead me to linking up with Lisa and Rabia for #TuesdayTen and most recently the #1Word Blog Challenge. Lisa is an inspiration and has even had some of her posts published in the Huffington Post - It is an honour to be in her blogging community - I am learning so much from her and the other bloggers that link up too!

7. Lydia - Always Made With Love
Another Kiwi Mummy Blogger that I found and connected with straightaway. Lydia blogs about motherhood, life, her family and shares recipes, DIY & craft tutorials/ideas. She is also new to the blogging world and I have really enjoyed watching her blog grow. Lydia inspires me everyday with her warm-hearted personality & creativity. I can't wait to see what else she is going to share with the world.

8. Claire - Girl on a Mission
I am a big fan of Kiwi Mummy Bloggers (can you tell?) - I am all about sharing the blog love and Claire is another kiwi blogger who I have become friends with. Claire and I have a few things in common, we are both Mums & enjoy #FMSPhotoaday - we also love to find a bargain - (Claire - we should totally go op-shopping one day!!). Claire & her husband recently sold their house and then bought a new one two days later...they are heading off to South Africa for a family holiday soon, so I am looking forward to hearing all about her adventures. 

 9. Maria - Pastels & Macarons (Formally Mummy Goes Mad)
Maria is a new favourite blogger of mine. When I first came across Maria's blog, she was pregnant with baby number #2 - It was really cool following her pregnancy, and seeing photos of her baby bump and also reading posts about her journey as a mother. The past 6 months have been very busy for her, she gave birth to her son, moved countries (from Australia to Brussels) and has continued to share tidbits of her life on her Facebook page while raising two little boys! Maria is an inspiration to me and other mums. The thing that I really like about her is that she is REAL!

10. Leanne - Lime & Mortar
Leanne shares photos of her 'forever' home and I must warn you, her home is to die for - she definitely has an eye for interior design. She likes to keep a simple life, is very organised and shows her creativity when it comes to planning kids parties. I actually have Leanne to thank for giving me the little push that I needed to create my actual blog (as I only had a Facebook page) - I never really thought about having a blog but now I am so glad that I did it (thanks Leanne).

There are so many amazing women bloggers out there that inspire me, and that I follow - It was really hard to narrow it down to 10! Ooh The Organised Nest is another blogger that I have followed for a very long time too, so be sure to check out her blog too :) 

This post is part of the #TuesdayTen Link Up with
 Lisa from The Golden Spoons & Rabia from The Lieber Family

Linking up with these amazing Women Bloggers 

Who are the women or women bloggers that you admire or have made an impact in your life? 

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