Taking Stock is one of my favourite posts to share on the blog. It's a chance to reflect on the past month - the highs, the lows and anything in between - in a fun and creative way. Pip from Meet Me At Mikes is the mastermind behind this amazing idea...so if you are interested in doing the same, head over to Pips!
Clearing Out The Clutter: Coming Soon
Be Organised,
May 28, 2015
Just call me crazy...as if I don't have enough on my plate...I have signed up to do a 30 Day DeClutter Challenge with the lovely Michelle from An Organised Life.
For those who know me, know I love organisation and declutter challenges...in fact last year, I joined The Organised Housewife in the 20 Days to Organise and Clean Your Home which was fantastic - you can see my journey here.
When I saw Michelle's post about the 30 Day De-clutter Challenge, on her Facebook page, I got really excited because it is perfect timing...it's the push I need to get my home sorted, de-cluttered and ready to pack (especially for a sentimental hoarder like me)! We recently sold our house , which means we will be moving soon and one of the best things you can do before you move is: to declutter your home - so you are not taking the excess items to the new house. Having a cluttered house = a cluttered mind. For me though - I am REALLY good at hiding my clutter, so it's more "Out of sight - out of mind but that is all about to change, with Michelle's help and my determination of course.
I have signed up to receive the daily emails, joined the Facebook group and following Michelle on social media (#aol30daydeclutter). I can't wait to begin and start de-cluttering (and packing) my home! Be sure to follow along on my Instagram and my Facebook where I will share my progress! ***Exciting***
It will be nice to move into a new house and call it HOME SWEET (& Clutter-Free) HOME.
If you are interested and would like to declutter your home too - head over to An Organised Life and sign up.
Challenge starts Monday! Bring it on!
Image credit: An Organised Life
When I saw Michelle's post about the 30 Day De-clutter Challenge, on her Facebook page, I got really excited because it is perfect timing...it's the push I need to get my home sorted, de-cluttered and ready to pack (especially for a sentimental hoarder like me)! We recently sold our house , which means we will be moving soon and one of the best things you can do before you move is: to declutter your home - so you are not taking the excess items to the new house. Having a cluttered house = a cluttered mind. For me though - I am REALLY good at hiding my clutter, so it's more "Out of sight - out of mind but that is all about to change, with Michelle's help and my determination of course.
"It’s all about clearing out the accumulated clutter in our homes and lives and minimising a bit. Every day I’ll be sending out a quick morning email with the days tasks. They won’t be huge and overwhelming but little by little we will clear out the clutter and take back control of our homes." (Michelle, An Organised Life)
I have signed up to receive the daily emails, joined the Facebook group and following Michelle on social media (#aol30daydeclutter). I can't wait to begin and start de-cluttering (and packing) my home! Be sure to follow along on my Instagram and my Facebook where I will share my progress! ***Exciting***
It will be nice to move into a new house and call it HOME SWEET (& Clutter-Free) HOME.
If you are interested and would like to declutter your home too - head over to An Organised Life and sign up.
Challenge starts Monday! Bring it on!
This post was part of the new One Word Blog Linkup hosted by:
Lisa of The Golden Spoons,
Janine of Confessions of a Mommyholic,
and Marcia of Blogitudes.
This week, the word prompt choices were Sweet and Soon
#TuesdayTen: 10+ Bucket List Display Ideas
May 26, 2015
We are heading into Winter here in New Zealand, however my blogging friends and followers on the other side of the globe, are counting down to their Summer holidays (LUCKY!), so this week for Tuesday Ten, the prompt is Summer Bucket Lists. Today, I am going to (hopefully) inspire my overseas friends with some fun and creative "Bucket List Display Ideas". (and I am totally sharing this, so I can do the same in 6 months time, when it's our Summer). The thing I love about displays is: you put it in a place where your whole family can see it and refer to it daily, as opposed to writing a list in your notebook...closing that notebook and probably not looking at the list until 3 days before the kids go back to school (*guilty*).
Here are 10+ ways you can display your Summer Bucket Lists in your home! Click on the images for more details.
1. Write your ideas on wooden pegs and peg them on the rim. Once you have completed the task, pop the peg in the bucket. Extra activity - get your children to decorate the bucket.
2. Hang some mini buckets and fill them with items relevant to the task/idea.
3. Who said you need a 'bucket'? Grab a small jar and write your ideas on popsicle sticks. Pull out an activity every day.
4. Make your own buckets using card or scrapbook paper.
5. These mini envelopes are cute and would look very cool displayed in your home.
6. Grab some colouring pens and draw/write your own Bucket List OR get your children (if they are older) to design one for the family.
Image Credit: via
7. A frame, chicken wire, pegs, pieces of card & a bucket. Simple, yet effective.
Image Credit: via
8. Hanging your bucket list on the lounge/kitchen door where everyone can see it is a great idea. Once completed, put the task in the envelope.
9. FRAME IT! Write your list, with a tick box next to each idea. Tape it on the wall and put a frame around it.
10. Similar to #3 idea. Use different coloured popsicle sticks to categorise your activities...click image to see lots of great ideas.
Ooh and as a bonus... my very own! I created this School Holiday Ideas Jar - perfect for keeping young ones entertained.
How are you going to display your 'Summer' bucket list in your home?
Follow Me
Sunday Share #21
Sunday Share
May 24, 2015
What's been happening this week?
I thought last week's Sunday Share #20 was a going to be a quick post...well this week is going to be even quicker! Both of my kiddies have been sick, with asthma and viral infections. Miss B had an asthma attack on Monday at school, and it lasted all week. Thankfully, we were able to manage it at home and didn't need to go the hospital - we did go to the Doctor however - to get some prednisolone to help with the inflammation. She is much better now. Miss B is a severe asthmatic and has been in and out of hospital (including ICU 4-5 times) since she was 5. The past two years we have seen a huge improvement, and it really has come down to managing her asthma, and our education about her condition.
Master M had a bit of a viral bug and this lead to him being quite wheezy and breathing rapidly. I took him straight to the hospital to get checked out. He has a viral induced wheeze and we were sent home with some salbutamol to help with this breathing (if needed). Master M also has cut two teeth - his 9th and 10th - so he is dealing with that as well. There have been times when he's been absolutely miserable and then there have been are times when he is happy as Larry, playing with his big sister.
So two sicks kids at home meant that I had no work on Tuesday, we didn't go to Mainly Music on Wednesday or PLAY on Friday. It's horrible when your babies get sick, however I did love all the extra cuddles I got! Ooh and Master M is giving me proper kisses now, it's so cute. Fingers crossed both kiddies are back to their healthy selves next week!
Have you had sick kids at home this week?
You may notice a few new tabs at the top of the page...over the next couple of weeks, I am going to be making some changes (just little ones) to make my blog more organised and easy for you to find some of my favourite posts. Remember you can always use my Search bar and the "I Blog About" section to find previous posts.
Blogging - this includes links to all my posts for Blogging from A to Z Challenge. A one-stop shop for some great reads (if I don't say so myself). Grab a cuppa and enjoy reading extra tidbits of my life, home and family plus some really creative ideas!
Get Creative - I love to dabble in DIY and Crafts, so this is where I will posting links to my favourite creations. This page is a work in progress and I will be adding a few more posts over the next week or so.
Sunday Share - Have you missed a Sunday Share post? Now you can see every previous Sunday Share post in ONE place! How cool is that? I love this series as it's my place where I get to share the things that are happening in our lives RIGHT NOW! Plus it's a great place to share my photos from the FMS Photo a Day Challenge each week. You can also see them on my Instragram @charlene_ttmn.
Blog Love - This is my go-to page for all the fabulous bloggers I follow! They are my favourite blogs who I visit regularly because they are filled with creative ideas and inspiring posts. I am sure you will find some new blogs to follow and love, in amongst my list. I will be adding to this list as I find new blogs all the time.
Well, that's all from me. I hope you have a fabulous week!
Here's what I snapped this week for #FMSPhotoaDay Challenge
May 18. Musical
May 19. My Mood Today
May 20. Equal
May 21. In a drawer
May 22. Weather
May 23. Good Times
May 24. Right of Thirds
Week 22 looks like a lot of fun! Come and join in...All you have to do is take a photo that matches the prompt, upload it to Facebook or Instagram and add hashtag #fmsphotoaday +Chantelle Ellem (FatMumSlim)
Have a wonderful week!
#TuesdayTen: My Pet Peeves
Facts about Me,
May 19, 2015
Everyone has their own pet peeves...You know, the things that make your blood pressure rise or make you want to you scream! This week for #TuesdayTen, we are having a bit of a vent...it's time to share your pet peeves! Here are mine...
People who don't indicate
Seriously, how hard is it to indicate? If you are turning or merging - indicate. Simple.
Selling a House
Selling a house is up there with the 'most stressful' events that will happen in your life - and they're not wrong! Getting your house 'Open Home' ready can be quite stressful, especially when you put in a lot of hard work, blood, sweat and tears into presenting your house the best way you can and pray you get a buyer with a good price.
Buying a House
We are currently house hunting and the market has turned on us! When we were selling our place , there was a lot of homes that we liked and that would be perfect for us, unfortunately we wanted to wait until we sold. And now...it has turned into a Seller's Market (more buyers than properties). It is so frustrating for us and we are running out of time! I am trying to remain calm and positive.
When someone parks so close to your car that you can't even get in.
Grrr, this annoys me so much. Especially when they park really close to the side my son sits on...I mean..really... you didn't see the reversed carseat in my car! Egg!
<------THIS (Enough said)
Cleaning the house
And then your toddler wakes up and 5 minutes later it looks like a tornado has gone through the place! What's the point? Oh the joys!
Now, it's your turn...please share THREE of your pet peeves
People who don't indicate
Seriously, how hard is it to indicate? If you are turning or merging - indicate. Simple.
Selling a House
Selling a house is up there with the 'most stressful' events that will happen in your life - and they're not wrong! Getting your house 'Open Home' ready can be quite stressful, especially when you put in a lot of hard work, blood, sweat and tears into presenting your house the best way you can and pray you get a buyer with a good price.
Buying a House
We are currently house hunting and the market has turned on us! When we were selling our place , there was a lot of homes that we liked and that would be perfect for us, unfortunately we wanted to wait until we sold. And now...it has turned into a Seller's Market (more buyers than properties). It is so frustrating for us and we are running out of time! I am trying to remain calm and positive.
When someone parks so close to your car that you can't even get in.
Grrr, this annoys me so much. Especially when they park really close to the side my son sits on...I mean..really... you didn't see the reversed carseat in my car! Egg!
![]() |
image credit: Pinterest |
<------THIS (Enough said)
When your child refuses to have their medicine
My daughter HATES antibiotics and there have been (many) times when she has refused to take it. It is so frustrating to watch. All you want is your child to be healthy and feel better, and they won't even help themselves! In the past, I have used praise, reward charts, even bribery. As a parent, you do whatever it takes for them to take their medicine, so they can be better! Right?Cleaning the house
And then your toddler wakes up and 5 minutes later it looks like a tornado has gone through the place! What's the point? Oh the joys!
Now, it's your turn...please share THREE of your pet peeves
Linking up with...
And the WINNER is....
1. Snood (wrap around scarf)
2. Home Block Calendar
3. To-Do List.
4. Customised Birth Keepsake or Favourite Quote - MADE BY TTMN {Digital File} (not pictured)
Congratulations once again Courtney! Please PM me to arrange delivery of your prize!
Teacher by trade - Mother by nature!
Sunday Share #20
Sunday Share
May 17, 2015
What a week! I'm super tired so it's going to be quick Sunday Share today (sorry).
Highlights of the week...
***Mainly Music***
Master M & I went to Mainly Music on Wednesday! I am so glad I waited until M was over 1 to start going. I say it all the time - He LOVES it! Listening to music, dancing to the music, one-to-one interaction with me and meeting new friends. It is something we look forward to each week. Do you or did you attend Mainly Music with your children? 

Every Friday, Master M & I attend PLAY (it's pretty much PlayCentre) but I like to call it PLAY because that's we do! We love it! Master M gets stuck in straight away and is thriving! He loves to paint (well it loves to eat the paint - blah), water play and playing in the 'home' area. It's so cool watching him grow and mingling with his friends. Our group is new - only started at the beginning of the term, so we are all growing and learning together. I plan on getting my Course 2 for PlayCentre and hopefully will continue and get my Course 3. It's the teacher in me, I need to continue my studies and professional development. I love it though (I'm a nerd...sshhh don't tell anyone)
Earlier this week I ordered some of these amazing divider plates from
And They Lived Green. Master M loves them! I can't wait to get more meal ideas from Misha and her followers. They are coolest plates and are totally recycled - from Milk Bottles. How cool is that! I love the bright colours. I also got a pink set for my friend's daughter, who will be turning 2 in July. She is going to love it.
My partner and I went out last night for a 'Social Club' Work Do! It's been 6 months since the last time we went out. My parents came down to watch the kids. Best babysitters EVER. We had a great night - Yummy food, great company and awesome atmosphere. It was nice to have a night away with my partner. The kids were good for Nana & Papa (I'm always a worry wart) however we all survived - another successful night out!
***Teacher by trade - Mother by nature (TTMN) is ONE!*** Woohoo!
You can read more about my milestone here and here. Thank you to everyone who has visited my blog and followed me on Social Media! You all ROCK! I have learned so much in my first year, and I look forward to learning much, much more in the near future. Watch this space (tomorrow 8PM NZT) - I will be announcing the WINNER of my First { G I V E A W A Y }! Exciting!
***FMS Photo A Day Challenge***
Upside Down
I found this...
Want to play along? You totally should - It's a lot of fun. All you have to do is take a photo using the prompts provided on your phone or camera, upload it to Facebook, Instagram or Twitter using the hashtag #fmsphotoaday. It's THAT simple!
Here is Week #21
(GIVEAWAY has now CLOSED - Winner will be announced tomorrow)
Have a wonderful week!
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