Hello 2017: ONE WORD

Happy New Year!

For the past few years I have stopped writing New Year resolutions because at the start of the year I had good intentions and came up with some really awesome goals for myself, however by mid-year I had completely forgotten about them and then on the 31st December I would gtt into a panic because I haven't achieved anything and it's not a good way to head into a new year.

So I decided to join many others around the world, including Bron from Maxabella Loves to come up with ONE WORD that will be your focus word for the year ahead. (I am loving Bron's word this year...you can read about it HERE

In 2016 my 'One Word' was ENJOY - enjoy the little things, enjoy my home, enjoy my family etc...and that is exactly what I did, I enjoyed 2016. Twenty-Sixteen was also a year for me to KEEP LIFE SIMPLE - that was my motto, especially as I was working through the KonMari method - if you missed my journey, you can read all about it HERE.

This journey of mine - to 'keep life simple' - has helped me in so many ways. It has helped with my anxiety and depression, I no longer feel bogged down by 'stuff', thanks to clearing out the clutter and I am slowly taking more time out for myself and my family.

That being said, my ONE WORD for 2017 is...B A L A N C E.

I actually had 2017 narrowed down to two words S I M P L I F Y & B A L A N C E, but the more I thought about it, and with a lot happening this year...'Balance' is what I need most. I will continue to simplify my home & keep life simple...however having the right 'balance' is going to take some time.

My ONE WORD is actually inspired by the lovely Leanne from Organising the Four of Us and her 'Project 14 & Project 14 2.0'. Since completing both projects, and recently KonMari'ing my home...I am on a new path to live a more productive life, and find the right 'balance' for my family, home, work, Playcentre, and life (including self care). I have systems and routines in place at home, and picked up a few tricks and tips to get through the more complicated aspects of my life, so 2017 is going to be the year I put all of that into practice, and find the right 'balance' for me. 

My year in a nutshell will include: working 2-3 days a week (one of which is a new teaching position and an incredible opportunity), my role as President at Playcentre, being a Mum of a two (soon to be 12 year old daughter & soon to be 3 year old son), Blogging (something I am very passionate about), making time for myself, friends, family and my partner (we will be celebrating our 5 year anniversary in April). I also want to keep my home clean and organised - something I have worked hard to maintain over the past few years.

As you can see, my ONE WORD - B A L A N C E is the perfect word for me to have in 2017. 

What is your ONE WORD going to be for 2017?

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  1. Sounds good. I am inspired by your year of Kon Mari. I have done a lot last year but nowhere near enough as it is still not automatic for us to put things away. Going to do one more round of decluttering (trying to get hubby to let go of some books and music is proving very hard) and then really think about our spaces.

    My word is grace and I am looking forward to how it will help me grow. Xx

    1. 'Grace' sounds likes a great word to have! Thanks for your comment. Yes 2016 was a very big KonMari year for me, and 2017 looks to be much the same...I am excited about sharing my journey with everyone. Happy New Year Deb.

  2. Oh that's really inspiring! I've been enjoying hearing about your kon mari journey on instagram! I love balance! And I love enjoy!! Both words speak to me. Thank you for your lovely comment on my blog. I am looking forward to reading more from you this year. Elisa xx

    1. Thank you Elisa. There is a lot more KonMari coming to my blog. I am really excited about what I have planned.

  3. Balance is a great word, best of luck with it, I'm sure you'll embrace it :) My word this year is 'grow' :)


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