Sunday Share #38 - Currently

Phew! What a week - and it's only going to get busier - with Daylight savings starting today and School Holiday time. We were planning on going away for a few days, to visit friends, however something has come up and we are unable to go now. Feeling sad and anxious about this sudden change, even though it is out of our control, I still struggle to come to terms with the change. My daughter is the same. Tomorrow we are going to make a new plan, and try/do some new things/activities to make us feel better. It's the little things that help. I will let you know what we get up to next Sunday, in the meantime - here is what I am currently doing...

Smiling: at this photo. My daughter always knows how to put a smile on my face. This is just one of the silly things she does. Thanks bub.

Enjoying: the stunning Spring weather we have had this weekend! I managed to get through all of my washing, including bedding in ONE DAY - washed, dried, folded AND put away! WINNING! I am also enjoying watching my kids play together! They have so much fun together - they are best friends - Happy Children = Very happy Mummy!

Cleaning: THIS little guy! Enough said really. 

Having: a PJ Day! Yip, sometimes it's just got to be done, and we rocked our jammies this week. Do you have a PJ Day in you home? 

Organising: my gift wrapping supplies, Pantry, utility closet, one desk drawer, kitchen utensils, sheet sets and pens (lots and lots of pens) More details on the blog Monday - watch this space.
This is my Pantry - it's my happy place :) One of my friends said she would marry it! Love it.
Celebrating: Miss E's 2nd Birthday. This little girl loves Jake & the Neverland Pirates, so her clever Mummy made this yummy chocolate cake, with blue icing and M&Ms. It was delicious. The kids had a great time playing and eating party food. I really enjoyed catching up with my Mummy friends, who I haven't seen in, what feels like, ages. It's the second 2nd Birthday of our group, we have many more to come. I love birthday parties! Do you? 

That's all from me...what are YOU currently up to?

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  1. Your pantry makes me feel slightly sick, because mine is a hideous mess HAHAHAHA ... also didn't we have a great weekend weather-wise!? Lots of washing got done :D

    1. Ha ha! I should become a professional organiser - and organise people's homes including Pantry! The weather was stunning! I got ALL my washing done in one day. I was very happy about that. Today looks like another fab day. Have a great week Maria.

  2. Your pantry looks incredible & the cake looks delicious!~ YUMMMMMMMMMMMMM


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