Sunday Share is where I get to share extra tidbits of my Life, Home & Family with you, and let you know what I'm currently doing on and off the blog. It's also a great way to get to know me, Charlene, the blogger behind Teacher by trade, Mother by nature. If there is anything you would like to see or read more of on Sunday Share, let me know.
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Here's what I've been Currently up to...
Reading: my fave parenting magazine, OHbaby, with my son. He likes pointing to all the babies.
Reading: my fave parenting magazine, OHbaby, with my son. He likes pointing to all the babies.

Admiring: the view from the school I work at. We live in such a beautiful place. Truly blessed. Aoteraoa - The Land of the Long White Cloud.

Making: up an Easter Craft Box for my kids. They are going to love getting their 'craft on'!
Eating: Hot Cross Buns! What is your favourite? Traditional? Fruitless? Chocolate? and I even heard there was a Mocha one!
Organising: our Playcentre photos! This is going to make things so much easier when we go to print our photos. I wish my own photos were this organised, at the moment they are organised by Year and by Month.
Loving: the backdrop of this Playcentre I visited earlier in the week. It is absolutely stunning! I am really enjoying visiting a different Playcentre each week to get some inspiration for our own centre. Speaking of which, we had five new families visit this week - which is amazing! We are slowly but surely growing our little community.
Now it's YOUR turn!
Tell me what you have been up too - what have I missed?
What are you currently reading?
Do you do any Easter crafts with your children?
Are you a fan of Hot Cross Buns? What is your favourite?
How do you organise your photos?
Are you a PlayCentre parent? or have you ever attended PlayCentre?
Until next time, have a wonderful week!
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