Keeping this weeks Sunday Share short and sweet due to the Cricket World Cup Final. (#sorrynotsorry)
What's been happening this week?
- We had another offer on the house and our last Open Home today (Yippee!).
- Miss B was awarded Team Kiwi STAR student - for having a great attitude towards participating and trying new things
- Master M is getting more confident with his walking...taking 10-15 steps now! It's so cute - hoping to get him walking on video soon (before he starts running)
- Miss B went to the Gold Coast, Australia with my parents yesterday. She is having an early holiday with her cousins - very lucky girl! I am so jealous.
- I hosted Coffee Group this month and we made these Super Cute Easter Bunnies
- Love having my Mummy 'Me' time - reading Autumn edition of OHbaby!
And my pics for #FMSPhotoaday - Week 13
Too Much |
My Treasure |
Half |
I love....HIM |
Something White |
Give |
Zen |
Ready for Week 14 - here it is!
Click to view my previous Sunday Share: FMS PAD posts
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