So this WAS my Office at my old place. I am ashamed of the before photo, however, it is REAL and it was during a really hard time. It was pretty much my dumping ground for anything and everything. It was downstairs - so out of sight, out of mind! It took me a whole day to get from "Before pic to After pic". (I was determined). It was semi organised by the end of the day and I could see the floor. Woohoo!
I am a primary teacher so having lots of different resources just makes my sentimental hoarding problem worse wasn't until I moved that I had to cull 3/4 of my house - including this office!
So to-date I have about 12 banana boxes of teacher resources stored in my parents garage (that is definitely my next challenge) and three, maybe four x 60L containers hidden in the wardrobes.
Creating a better Workspace
I don't have an office at the moment (don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing)...and I have converted my poor dining table into my office desk Today I created a better workspace for me...I found a new home for my printer (bottom of the change table (in the lounge) & using a 3-tier shelf (that is at the end of the kitchen bench) to store my stationary supplies. Complete with a place to store my 20 Days...folder
For now, I will continue to use my laptop at the dining table (as the couch isn't a good option) and my new habit will be to clear dining table before dinner & again before I go to bed! I usually work on my blog after the kids have gone to bed. Now that I have designated areas for my 'office' items - it's going to make things a lot easier to tidy and keep clean!
I am looking into creating an 'office nook' in our home...just need to decide where I am going to put it! Watch this space!

More "Sentimental Culling"
I also continued with my 'sentimental culling' - it's actually a liberating feeling knowing that the
contents in the containers are organised a lot better than what they were before (just chucked in)...I have labelled the containers for easy reference and have stacked them nicely in the wardrobe (only storage space I have). I filled two bags of rubbish and now have two empty 60L containers. GO ME!
I also had a massive cull of my teacher 'office' items/stationary...I went from 2 x 60L containers to 1 Hi 5 to me. I ended up throwing out A LOT and I mean A LOT of pens and pencils.
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