Day 4:
I still have a few jobs to do in the lounge, however I am really happy with what I achieved today The windows were overdue for a clean (gross) and they look great now - really opens up the room. Need to get the blinds cleaned (my partner has someone that comes and takes the blinds away to clean so I need to get onto that). I pulled the TV unit out from the wall and vacuumed/dusted around the cords and gave everything a good wipe down!
I love using the change table but it was starting to look really cluttered (making the lounge look that way too) - now to pass it onto the next expecting mama.
One of my goals for this challenge was to create a 'play area' for Master M (7 months old) - TICK I love it and so does Master M. He was really happy playing in his area with his treasure basket.
I am looking forward to filling my car with the items that I have put in the donate pile (it's a pretty big pile - I am actually quite impressed) and drop it off at the local op-shop.
Another task we had to do was de-clutter our magazine collection...eeek I do love my weekly Woman's Day, so you can imagine the pile that I had. They are all bagged up ready to be dropped off to the Red Cross, who pass them on to the hospital for patients to read...Paying It Forward!
The lounge is now clutter-free and feels a lot more organised! I am really loving the 20 day challenge - I recommend it to anyone and everyone! It's made a huge difference in our home - and it's only Day 4! :)
As part of my new Laundry routine- I have a couple of loads of washing to fold and put away tonight! GO ME! #feelingorganised

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