So this is what happened today!
I was really eager to get stuck into todays de-clutter and organising task - Kids Artwork - but I couldn't find it! Aargghh I have filescape boxes FULL and a couple of handmade A3 folders of my daughter's artwork from age 1-5 & age 5-8 and I can't for the life of me remember where I hid them when I moved in with my partner last year!! Arrrrgghhh!! I am really good at hiding stuff!! (lol) It did my head in! I am hoping it's in our wardrobe (which I couldn't get to because the cot is in front of it and Master M was asleep)
I plan on going through it all, keeping some to put in Miss B's Keepsake box, make art with some of the pieces, take photos of bigger items...and recycle the rest/throw out any that have ONE paint stroke. lol (unless its dated). I really wish that I organised it all YEARS AGO!! Oh well - once I find it - It will finally get organised!! GOING ON AN ART HUNT>>>>>
OK so I ended up finding another task to do - the Kids Artwork will be done another day (Watch this space)! Today I am going to de-clutter and organise my 'sentimental' items. These two containers have been sitting in the garage since I moved in with my partner last July! (I KNOW)! Hi I'm Charlene and I am a Sentimental Hoarder. *Hi Charlene*
It was filled with all sorts - Miscellaneous items from my past...including my "School Leaving Certificate" (Year 2000) lol. It's been a job that I have been putting off for a very long time - but seen as I couldn't find my daughter's artwork - I thought I'd do it today! I had a massive cull before I moved - so todays job was mainly going through the contents - organise and maybe throw out some stuff.
In just over an hour - I went from two containers to one! (that's pretty good for me)! I made a few piles around me - Photos/Daughter/CDs/Personal/Crafts/ they are all semi-organised in the one container - Please note: this is only STAGE 1 lol
I am wanting to do this to several other containers that I have hidden away lol - My goal is to have them all sorted and labelled (maybe take a photo or write down what's inside) and to only have 2 'Sentimental' containers not 6 or 7!!!
Sentimental culling is not easy! I have a few more containers like this TO-DO! Wish me luck!

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