This morning I was feeling a bit blah & struggled to find motivation to do todays tasks - however I dug deep and once Master M went down for a nap, I managed to squeeze in a few tasks.
One of our tasks today was to clean ceiling fans - we don't have any (phew), so I jumped straight into the next task - De-clutter Junk Drawer! Well, there should an 's' at the end of that lol. I have a few junk drawers scattered around the house (in the different zones) I only tackled one of them - one that has been bugging me every time I opened the cupboard door (my 'junk drawer' is actually a basket in the cupboard above our bench). I like to think of it as our 'go-to' place for all the things that don't have a home, but most of the time, it's the dumping ground for all bits and bobs! I went through it, found new homes for a few things and left the most-used items in there (so my partner can find them). Looks so much better now when I open the cupboards - but how long will it stay like this for - that is the question!
Do you have junk drawer or a drawer that can never be kept tidy?

Organise Calendar/Diary
Another task that was on the to-do list today was going through our Calendars/Diaries and jotting down upcoming events...e.g birthdays, parties, holidays, social engagements, dentist appointments etc.
I have been trialling the latest (*well its over a year old now) craze - the Bullet can read all about it HERE. I started mine in the last week of August as a trial run. I absolutely loved it - planning my day, having all my tasks in the one place (rather than bits of random paper) and best of all - TICKING the task once I completed it! (I love things that involve ticking or crossing off). I continued with my 'Bullet Journal' into the month of September, making changes as I went along. I like to plan ahead - so I adapted the journal to suit my needs (which meant breaking up a double page into 7-day plan (which is probably a big no-no). I still stuck with the 'bullet journal' concept however changed it so it worked better for me and my way of planning.
I stopped using the bullet journal for a few days and OMG that was a big mistake (never again - I felt so lost). It amazed me at how much I use it and depend on it when planning my day and the tasks I need to do. I quickly started writing my tasks for the day and felt a lot better when I ticked the little square box.
I am still using the bullet journal to this day - you either love it or you hate it and at the moment I am still loving it. I know it's going to come in handy over the next few months as we approach Christmas (eeek the C word)!
Today, I managed to jot down a few extra upcoming events in my journal for the rest of the month till the end of the year - so many birthday parties (my son has a very busy social life and he is only 7 months old). Now I am on the hunt for the 'perfect' 2015 diary - actually that reminds me, I saw a post by Fat Mum Slim on The Best Diaries for 2015 - I must check it out! Watch this space!

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