It's that time of year when I like to give Miss B's teacher a gift to say Thank You & Merry Christmas. However this year, Miss B has THREE teachers (team teaching) so I needed to come up with a gift that would be suitable for all three teachers & preferably on the cheap (as it can get quite expensive).
While I was searching Pinterest for Teacher Gift Ideas, I came across this amazing idea via Shanty 2 Chic. As soon as I saw it, I thought it's the perfect little gift for Miss B and I to make together. I loved the idea of making a Mini Succulent Garden because it's the gift that keeps giving and that we can re-use the empty baby food jars that I had left over from the Advent Calendar.
We did make ours a bit different though, using resources I had at home. We grouped the jars together and added washi tape to the bottom of the jars instead of making a box. Miss B filled the jar 3/4 of potting mix, planted the succulent then added the white stones on top. It looks so cool!
(Please note: these were the succulents I originally had used before getting bigger ones from a friend.)

I printed the "Thanks for helping me grow!" note for each garden and used a washi tape peg to hold it in place.

I really do hope Miss B's teachers like their Mini Succulent Gardens. What do you think?
Such a lovely idea. I have an idea for our teachers now.