The letter of the day for #AtoZChallenge is Q - So I thought it would be a great opportunity to get to know another mummy blogger with a bit of Q & A. I am delighted to welcome Lydia from Always Made With Love to my blog. Lydia is a fellow Kiwi Mummy blogger, who I've been following since I started blogging. I am so glad I found her 'little corner of the internet' and I know you will too.
Say Hi to Lydia
Can you tell us a little bit about yourself.
I’m Lydia, a hopeless romantic, lover of all things girly, wifey to Steve and Stay at Home Mummy to Sebastian. I love cooking, baking, reading, the sand between my toes, spending time with my family and friends, travelling, good food and even better wine, butterflies, the sound of the rain on the roof, the glow of flickering candles, the feeling of being cuddle up under a blanket when it’s cold outside, long summer days and even longer summer nights, fresh flowers, yoga, easy listening music, the excitement of what the future holds and (of course) my boys. Let’s not forget chocolate, strawberries, coffee, cheese, chippies and ice cream.
1. What is your biggest achievement?
Being a mummy to Sebastian

2. What is your favourite quote? Why?
“The BEST is yet to come – Dream it, Believe it, Live it”. It is my 2015 Motto
3. Everyone has a favourite/least favourite post. Name yours and why?
Looking Back ~ The Early Days
Letter to my Little Misters
Both of these posts were written either to or for my little man. They are straight from the heart and look at my time as his mummy (my greatest achievement)
4. When did you last step outside? What were you doing?
This morning to pick up Puppy Poo (keepin it real)
5. If you could meet any one person (from history or currently alive), who would it be?
Mother Teresa - need I say more
6. What was the last thing you bought?
Gumboots, see question 7
7. What is your best childhood memory?
Jumping in puddles in torrential rain, can't wait to relive this with Sebastian
8. Your blog is turning ONE soon *Exciting*. Do you have any tips for bloggers that are just starting out?
Don't stress | Don't get caught up on stats (it's really hard not too, trust me I know) | Try not to compare yourself to others | Be yourself | Enjoy what you do.
9. Tell us 3 random facts about you.
My little pinky toes freak me out | I dont eat bananas only in cake, loaf or muffins | I have yet to dye my hair - 27 years and counting
10. Who inspires you?
My Mum, if I can be a mum half as good as she was to my brother and I, then I will have done a great job - Love you Mum xx
Lydia // Always Made With Love can be found on:
Thank you so much for being a guest on my blog Lydia. It was great getting to know you a bit more and sharing your blog with my readers. Love your quote - It's a great motto for the year and I hope it's been a good one for you so far. I am very impressed that you have never dyed your hair - I lost count before I was 20. Thanks again Lydia - Have a great week :)
ReplyDeleteParenting is one of the most important jobs out there. There can be some great benefits but all too quickly it can seem that you're out of a job, but really you never are.
ReplyDeleteArlee Bird
A to Z Challenge Co-host
Tossing It Out
So true Arlee. Thank you so much for stopping by.
DeleteWow ! loved reading this.
ReplyDeleteMy topic is the same Q & A but with a different theme. do read.
I love that you have dedicated the #AtoZChallenge to the memory of your late father. Such a lovely tribute and nice to share some memories with others. thank you for stopping by.
DeleteLove your blogging tips. Nice to meet two other kiwi bloggers.
ReplyDeleteDropping by from the A to Z
Suzy at Someday Somewhere
Yes I love Lydia's blogging tips too!! Thanks for stopping by Suzy! Heading over to your blog now :)