X is for 'X' tables (Times tables)

"Times tables are the alphabet of maths" (Kev & Belinda)
I have had students in my class, even my daughter, struggle with their maths, especially when it comes to learning the x (times) tables. There are many ways to help children to instantly recall their x tables, however it really comes down to practice, practice, and more practice. 

I found these eXcellent individual posters that you can download, print and display in your classroom or kid's bedroom. A useful tool to help students or your own children to gain confidence in learning and recalling their times tables. Click on the link or image below. Have fun, Mathematicians!

Do you have any tips, tricks or songs you used to learn/teach X (times) tables? 
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  1. I loved teaching times tables. We used to do a lot of timed tests and as each kid mastered a factor they got another part of a banana split puzzle. At the end of the year we all had banana splits with everything they had earned!!

    1. Yum Banana Split! Now that would make me learn my times tables faster!

  2. yay for times tables - excellent choice! i teach math but at the other end of the spectrum
    and i liked your various artists and wacky wigs too! fun posting, glad i caught you before the challenge was over!

    1. Thanks for stopping by Tara! :) X was a tricky one for me, trying to fit it in with my blog too! Thankfully I pulled it off because I'm a teacher!

  3. Replies
    1. I think that's all you can do! Practice, practice, and more practice!


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